Chapter 16 – Behind the Scenes: The Yowl of the Yeti

After many weeks of hiatus, the elusive Yeti finally makes a return appearance! In “A Steampunk Guide to Hunting Monsters”, our heroine, Philomena Dashwood, discovers the rarest of all monsters while travelling through the snowy mountains of Tibet! You can read the chapter The Yowl of the Yeti online for free here.

The Yeti Costume

I photographed the Yeti, in a costume I cobbled together, both outside in the mountain snow as well as inside for any future composite imagery. The yeti costume involved a few unique processes.

The Yeti in the wild.

The first thing I did was buy a latex Halloween mask and some real animal horns. I also used real coyote claws as teeth.

The yeti mask was built on top of an existing latex mask.

Next, I took a Santa Claus wig and fake beard, and using glue and latex, I applied the hair to the yeti.

I added wig hair to the creature with latex and glue.
Finally, I painted some effects on the mask.

My next step was to buy a yeti costume and distress it. I took it out to get it dirt and wet so that it would mat together.

The result of dragging the costume through the snow.

Philomena’s Costume

Philomena’s costume was put together using many antiques and vintage items. An authentic antique fur hat and a historical Edwardian coat are staples of the ensemble, but a vintage blouse also peeks through at the collar.

Philomena in A Steampunk Guide to Hunting Monsters.

Percy’s Costume

Percy wears a different Edwardian coat which is actually over 100 years old.

Jeremy portrays Percy in a Steampunk Guide to Hunting Monsters.

Under the jacket is a wool coat, a pirate shirt made by myself, a cravat I also created out of gingham, pants I sewed and horse riding boots.

Outtake featuring the costume Jeremy wore to portray Percy.

The set was put together with a generous loan of props from the Missoula Community Theater. It included tons of luggage and knick-knacks.

Behind the Scenes Photos

Here are some photos from the shoot.

A Picture of me photographing the model.

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